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WIRE LINKS: Breed Discrimination?
Families with pit bulls or may face policy changes by Farmers Insurance. Families with pit bulls and rotweilers can no longer rely on Farmers when they need insurance to cover the entire family, and existing customers are potentially facing a change in policy just because of the way dogs look. Let Farmers know about your concern. Unless otherwise noted, all original content and headlines are property of Animal Newswire.net MMXXII
TEX-ASS BURRO SLAUGHTER CONTINUES Only 300 wild burros remain but the killing continues. STOP KILLINGS BY THE STATE Less than 300 wild burros remain but Texas Parks and Wildlife intends to kill these nationally protected burros to the "maximum extent possible". The national protections do not extend to this State-held land. What Texas is doing may be legal, but we think its an atrocity. This horrid policy is carried out quietly, behind the scenes, with efforts to keep visitors to the Big Bend Ranch State Park from realizing wild burros are there and wild burros are being killed. We want the world to know. Only 5,800 wild burros are held in the protected areas managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Texas has its herd of wild burros. The Parks Department states that these wild donkeys harm the park. Please read about the slaughter happening there. KEEP BAN ON SEA TURTLE HUNTAn attempt is being made to put these amazing creatures, the local green sea turtles, known as "honu" to native Hawaiians, back on the dinner plates at restaurants. A proposal has been made to remove protections that have allowed them to thrive. Over the last forty years, hunting of sea turtles has been banned on Hawaii and now it is common to see sea turtles basking in the sun without fear. If hunting them were again allowed, they would be slaughtered on public beaches for their meat and shells. Animal Newswire.net is not responsible for the content of external links.  
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