Pets of the Week

Until there are none, adopt one.

     Meet Blu, this gentle giant Newfoundland is looking for his forever home. Blu came to the shelter for not being fond of the excitable preschooler in the home, so dog-savvy children 12 years old and over are recommended. Blu needs lots of extra space to roam, and should have a person familiar with the breed and understands that large breed dogs can be a big financial responsibility. To adopt Blu, please visit Bangor Humane Society.

  Meet Calypso, a gorgeous, fluffy girl with a strong personality. She is very sweet, loyal, and loving, though she doesn't have much patience for those who can't read her social cues. Calypso wants to be her person's one and only kitty -- she may be spayed, but that won't stop her from being a queen! To learn more about adopting Calypso, please contact HART Adoption Center & Shelter for Cats.






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Website of the Week...

     This week, we'd like to remember some of the animals who have given their lives in the course of war. Our choice is the Key West Collies blog.The website had a wonderful tribute to the dogs who served in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Known as "Devil Dogs," hundreds of Doberman pinschers, German shepherds, and even a few mongrels found their way to the Pacific islands of Guam, Saipan, Okinawa, and Iwo Jima. Take a trip back through time, as you examine the pictures of war dogs and their handlers. Of the 549 dogs who survived the battlefield, only four were deemed unfit for adoption. Sadly, Twenty-five of the dogs on duty in Guam were never to return to the United States. They were buried in the War Dog Cemetery in Guam. In 1994, a War Dog Memorial was dedicated to the dogs buried in Guam. We would like to offer a 21-bark salute to those fallen heroes. RIP, heroes

In addition to its dedication to these canine war heroes, the site is, as its name states, devoted to Key West Collies. A most recent submission has a collie named Essex sitting on the floor behind bags of candy. The event is described as "Collieween." Along with Essex, Key West Collies also feature the adventures of another collie, Sherman.  

There also are contributions from visitors, called "Cyber Paw Pals." Often, these items include photos and art work. And to top off the entertaining site, there is a clock, which is accurate and is called "Key West Collie Time."

At the top of the blog is this message: "May your tail wag, your belly be full, and may you have a forever family to rub your tummy and scratch behind your ears." - the collies' blessing to other dogs.

Take a look at the Key West Collies blog for great photos of dogs at war and lots of fun pictures and stories about two loved collies and their many friends.

Check it Out!

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Animal Almanac

June 25, 2023 

   1903:  The Evening World of New York City praised "a little insect with a nasty sting," the wasp ... "the importation of a peculiar kind of wasp from Smyrna has been responsible for the raising of 6,000,000 pounds of figs in California last year ... in the case of the wasp, if it had not been introduced into California it would have been impossible to raise figs there." The wasp fertilized the flower of the fig.

   1903:  Stephenson, Mich. -- "But for his cat, August Jankowski, an old Menominee county settler, residing at Cedar River, would in all probability perished in the flames which destroyed his house. Jankowski was awakened by midnight by the cat pulling at his bedclothes and scratching him on the hands. On sitting up he discovered the building was on fire and was only able to save a trunk and a gun before the roof fell in. That he got out in time he attributes solely to the efforts of the cat. The origin of the blaze is supposed to have been from a defective chimney. Jankowski had no insurance and his loss is total." -- The Minneapolis Journal

   2013:  Manhattan (N.Y.) Borough President Scott Stringer issued a blistering expose on the failure of New York City's animal shelters during Hurricane Sandy. He charged that the municipal shelters "took in no animals, there was no field operations, no outreach and no presence." Defenders called the charges "outrageous."

Pig in slaughterhouse comforted by animal activist

Should it be a crime to film at factory farms? The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is pushing such bills in six states.

Factory farm film

Animal activists see such legislation as a way to hide mistreatment and abuse of animals. The proposals mandate that evidence of animal abuse be turned over to law enforcement within 48 hours, or face a financial penalty. This video shows abuse at a factory farm.


The mandatory microchipping of dogs was the hands-down winner of our last poll. 

Your Comments:

On mandatory microchipping: 

"There is no way to enforce this policy with back yard breeders and  Most Pit Bull breeders are backyard breeders."

 "If a vicious attack were to occur in the future, microchips may lead to the culpable dog owner.

  - Lidio 


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