Pets of the Week

Until there are none, adopt one.

Until there are none, adopt one.

     Meet Blu, this gentle giant Newfoundland is looking for his forever home. Blu came to the shelter for not being fond of the excitable preschooler in the home, so dog-savvy children 12 years old and over are recommended. Blu needs lots of extra space to roam, and should have a person familiar with the breed and understands that large breed dogs can be a big financial responsibility. To adopt Blu, please visit Bangor Humane Society.

  Meet Calypso, a gorgeous, fluffy girl with a strong personality. She is very sweet, loyal, and loving, though she doesn't have much patience for those who can't read her social cues. Calypso wants to be her person's one and only kitty -- she may be spayed, but that won't stop her from being a queen! To learn more about adopting Calypso, please contact HART Adoption Center & Shelter for Cats.





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Mammal Species of the National Zoo, from A to Z - The Smithsonian Institute's site contains the names of all mammal species at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C.

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This Month's Critter:




     Many people may have heard of the dingo, but did you know it is an actual type of animal in Australia? The dingo, whose scientific name is canis lupus dingo, roams free mainly in Australia, but also Southeast Asia, where it is believed to have originated.Aborigine tribes are believed to have brought the dingo to Australia about 30,000 years ago. Dingos are classified as subspecies of the gray wolf.

    Aborigines feature dingos in stories and ceremonies, and dingos are depicted on cave paintings.

    Dingos live in all types of environments in Australia, including deserts, grasslands and the edges of forests. They use abandoned rabbit holes and hollow logs as their dens.

    The dingo has a major environmental role in Australia as the continent's largest land predator. They will feast on rabbits, rats, and even wallabies and kangaroos. But they also dine on sheep, which makes them an enemy of farmers.

      In response, farmers have poisoned the beautiful animals, which are making dingos vulnerable to extinction. Also, pure dingos have been breeding with other dogs, and the number of pure dingos is dwindling.

    The dingo is a carnivore but like other wild dogs can live without meat. Actually, like all dogs, dingoes should be called omnivores because they can eat meat but don't need to, according to the Outback Australia Travel Guide.

      Dingos don't bark, they only howl. The average Australian dingo is from 20 inches to 24 inches tall at the shoulder and can be about 5 feet long. Average weight is from 29 to 44 pounds, but some can become as large as 80 pounds.

      They can live up to 10 years in the wild but be as old as 18 years in a domestic setting. Dingos establish a particular territory and rarely leave that area. They live as lone wolves, but also form packs made up of their parents and offspring for several years.

      They hunt for food alone mainly at night, but can hunt in packs for bigger prey


Australia Dingo Conservation Association, Inc.


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